If you own a vehicle that you plan on driving, insurance is something that you must have. If you do not have it, you may end up dealing with a lot of potential problems, since it is generally illegal to drive without insurance coverage for yourself and your vehicle. For that reason, and because most people want to save as much as they can on insurance, it is important that you figure out how much car insurance you really need.
Penalties of Driving Without Insurance
Simply driving a vehicle that isn’t covered by some type of insurance can backfire on you. If you get stopped for a routine traffic violation, such as a busted taillight or a missing tag light, the officer will ask for your driver’s license and insurance card. If they discover that you do not have a valid insurance policy, you could end up paying substantial fines and you may lose your license for up to a year.
If you are uninsured and end up being involved in an accident, you may still be ticketed for no insurance. You may also end up paying for medical bills for the other person and yourself. They will have an easier time suing you for pain, suffering, lost wages, property damages, and more on top of it. If you are unable to pay quickly, you could also face garnished wages.
If you are injured, the other person may not have to help you recover, even if it was an accident caused by them. They will avoid paying for your lost wages or medical expenses, simply because you were not covered by an insurance policy that could help you get back on your feet. In the end, you will wish that you had agreed to pay a small amount for insurance because it protects you if you are sued by another driver.
Choosing the Right Insurance
The two biggest car insurance policies available as far as most people know is basic liability and full coverage auto insurance. Liability insurance is more affordable, but there are different options when you choose your insurance. Basic liability is designed to cover damage repairs and injuries if you cause an accident that impacts someone else. Your insurance provider will pay first, which will protect you from being sued by the other driver. Liability insurance will not cover damages to you or your personal property if you cause the accident. That will be something their insurance company will pay to you or that you can sue the other driver for with just cause.
The most basic liability insurance coverage will handle usually
*$100,000 for injuries
*$300,000 injuries total per accident
*and $50,000 property damage per accident
Your insurance agency can tell you more about ways to get more coverage for personal injuries or property damage if you feel it is necessary. You also have the option to choose add-ons to your insurance policy that may cover you if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, ensuring that your policy will help you through it. Some people want a lower deductible before the insurance company picks it up and others are willing to have a larger deductible because you will spend less per month. You may also choose a policy that will cover your costs if you or your loved ones get injured in an accident.
Other options for ensuring your liability coverage is enough may include comprehensive coverage, which protects you in the event that your car is stolen and comprehensive coverage to repair your vehicle, regardless of what type of accident it was involved in. Even a tree falling will be covered by comprehensive insurance. Some states also offer no-fault insurance that will pay out regardless of who caused the accident. This will also limit your option to sue others or to be sued yourself.
Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance Necessary?
Full coverage auto insurance is beneficial at times. Often, if you have a vehicle that you are financing, it will need to be insured with full coverage. It is designed to cover you and your vehicle no matter what happens or regardless of who may be at fault. Much the same as liability, full coverage also has many different coverage options. When you choose full coverage, you can add-on:
*Gap Insurance
*Medical Coverage
*Rental Car Coverage
*Uninsured Driver Coverage
*Aftermarket Coverage for upgrades you have made to your vehicle
*and More.
In most cases, buying a car will require the minimum amount of full coverage insurance to keep the payments as small as possible. However, the downside is that your nice insurance policy may not cover everything you need to replace your new vehicle or cover the injuries that happened because of the accident. For help with that, you will need an insurance agent to guide you through what will or will not be covered by your “full coverage” policy.
How Much Car Insurance Do You Need?
With all the options that are available in car insurance coverage, there is no one answer that specifically says how much insurance will cost for one person. You need a professional insurance company to help you discover what coverage is right for you. Therefore, if you are trying to figure out how much car insurance you need for your family, we will be happy to help you. Simply contact Insurance Connection USA for information and get your custom quote today.